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Terms of Use & Privacy Policy


The following are terms and conditions of this Website.

When accessing or using this Website you agree to these terms and conditions and accept them

in full. You also accept they may be altered at any time.


Website Use

The contents of this Website are solely for the personal use of the Website users. You may

not copy (other than a copy for personal use), modify, distribute, transmit, display, perform,

reproduce, transfer, resell, or republish any of the contents of this Website without our prior

written consent - and then only at our discretion.



All contents of this Website and overall appearance of the Website are the sole and exclusive

property of Michael Horn.

No Warranties

Although we attempt to provide accurate information, we make no representation, endorsement,

or warranty that such contents are accurate or suitable for any particular purpose.

Use of the Website and its contents is at the user’s sole risk.



In no case will we be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, indirect, incidental,

special, consequential or punitive damages arising in connection with anyone’s use of the

Website or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect,

delay, computer virus, line system failure, loss of data, or loss of use related to this Website or

any Website operated by any third party or any contents of this Website or any other website.



Links between this website and other websites operated by third parties does not mean we

endorse the contents or products and services offered. We have no control over other websites

and any such links do not constitute an endorsement, representation or warranty by us. We do

not claim responsibility for the privacy policies and customer information practices of third-party

internet sites hyperlinked to our sites.



At any time we can make modifications, changes, and alterations to the Contents of this Website,

including these Terms and Conditions, without prior notice. You are responsible for regularly

reviewing these terms and conditions.



No waiver by this website of any right under or term or provision of these Terms and

Conditions will be deemed a waiver of any other right, term, or provision of these Terms and

Conditions at that time or a waiver of that or any other right, term, or provision of these Terms

and Conditions at any other time.

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